My favorite way to create has to be in a journal. My decisions for color, theme, technique, anything are up to my own whims.
Recently, I joined a journal "round robin." Its a sort of sisterhood of the traveling journal, except we all have our own journals. We each decorated our covers and I decorated the first 2-page spread.
I used collage papers designed by Marah Johson, and I especailly love the new Vamp ladies!
I kind of cheated on this collage because the fancy lady was on a page with the French newspaper, the damask scroll, and some writing in the corners. But outlining the newspaper, I made it look like I added it, and by placing the Eiffle Tower where it it is there is a hint that I'm hiding a seam. I also used color to bring the girl forward. Below you can see the only added pieces and the black is German foil.
In place of the title page is the savage lady. For the background I used a Marah Johnson stencil of roses. The focal lady was a bit small for the page, so I built up a stage for her. I have painted book text and cardstock then built the collage pieces to reach outside the mats which all gave this small cut-out a much more substantial look.
Close up you can see the heavy brass key and the dark German foil weighted down and gave a foundation to my lady. I love the overall effect!!
Keepin' it savage! (wink)--heather
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